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Poll Result

Poll Result
How much time do you spend on the Internet for entertainment? [261 votes total]

less than 15 minutes (46) 17.62%
up to an hour (37) 14.18%
one to two hours (47) 18.01%
two to three hours (37) 14.18%
more than three hours (92) 35.25%

Author: khalid Rashidpoor
Posted on: Aug-13-2005

Views: 7062
Subject: On the INT
I spend around 6 hours on the INT every day.
becouce I think it is the best way to contact to the world.

Author: Sally
Posted on: Jun-21-2005

Views: 7373
Subject: time online (recreational)
It's another form of avoidance and addiction just like TV. I use it instead of vegging out in front of the TV.

Would be much more healthy to paint, do music, or read.




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