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Poll Result

Poll Result
What's Your Dream Business? [308 votes total]

Entertainment & Media (73) 23.70%
Travel & recreation (49) 15.91%
Consumer products (14) 4.55%
Technology (60) 19.48%
Arts (28) 9.09%
Finance (10) 3.25%
Personal services (46) 14.94%
Business services (17) 5.52%

Author: SWAPNA
Posted on: Nov-4-2005

Views: 7481
Subject: technology
as i am a professional student i am interested in technology.

Author: jeypeng
Posted on: Oct-31-2005

Views: 7494
Subject: modlen
how can Isee it I so wonder to looking for the other
coutury seceesy

Author: suresh
Posted on: Oct-25-2005

Views: 7529
Subject: Technology
By technology only we are at good position and we are protecting ourselves by knowing early predictions of katrina, tsunami , florida attack.
so technology is the base and we should develope it to further.

Author: Ravishek Kumar
Posted on: Oct-24-2005

Views: 7544
Subject: technology
Just about Technology.
Ravishek Kumar

Author: shaji.mathew
Posted on: Oct-22-2005

Views: 7554
Subject: poll
technology as such needs upgragation all the time but media and entertainment are best option as career .
enormous openings and fame and name(a persons need)



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