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Poll Result

Poll Result
Would you accept an offer to broadcast your personal life "all around the clock"? [1288 votes total]

Yes, for $100/month (100) 7.76%
Yes, for $1K/month (195) 15.14%
Yes, for $10K/month (325) 25.23%
Yes, for $100K/mon. (334) 25.93%
Not even for a million (320) 24.84%

Author: John
Posted on: Jan-20-2007

Views: 8892
Subject: Paid Webcam
I would allow a webcam to follow my every move all day for only $10K per month, but why would anyone pay to watch me watch TV all day?

Author: mandish thapa
Posted on: Jan-19-2007

Views: 8899
Subject: webcam on
i want to on the webcam

Author: boots
Posted on: Nov-25-2006

Views: 9419
Subject: Life in general
If wanting to see just how dull real life is come on in and see just how much "normyl" we as a human race really are.

Author: ali
Posted on: Oct-23-2006

Views: 9628
Subject: ali

Author: sasha
Posted on: Aug-31-2006

Views: 9972
Subject: hi
hi there

Author: The Cosmic Surfer
Posted on: Aug-28-2006

Views: 9999
Subject: the ever watchful all seeing Eye
Really it's just a matter of frequency conversion....the sences transmit signals constantly to the brain aready...other sensors outside of the brain are bulky, needless accessories..the big machine already knows everything about us so the information is already there.. finding it is the key.

Author: iass
Posted on: Aug-18-2006

Views: 10059
Subject: why I should be paid
in a religious view, there are millions of souls are watching us, so why I should avoid to let any human being to watch me, for me, I checked 100, but I would checked for free, I have nothing to hide, and privacy is a big joke within our comunication tools life

Author: richie rich
Posted on: Jul-31-2006

Views: 10190
Subject: camera journal of your life on the web
Life is so short, why would someone waste their life watching someone else waste theirs?

Author: Justawebsurfer
Posted on: Jul-22-2006

Views: 10264
Subject: Dont pay attention to the cm underneath
The Comment right under me is another advertisement that poeple put to anoyed poeple.

Author: Mikayla
Posted on: Jul-10-2006

Views: 10366
Subject: All around the clock
Hello I'm an exotic model and I'd be interested in having my life broadcast for a guaranteed 3-10k per month, seriously.

Author: shelia brock
Posted on: Jul-5-2006

Views: 10414
Subject: single parent
dealing with day to day odd and crazy life style.

Author: janell
Posted on: Jun-21-2006

Views: 10517
Subject: mr puppy
go see my puppy at it's a cool family frendly site

Author: maste
Posted on: Jun-17-2006

Views: 10560
Subject: a ke kazzo serve?

Author: Janell
Posted on: Jun-15-2006

Views: 10577
Subject: kirk
beam me up scotty

Author: tavie
Posted on: May-28-2006

Views: 10728
Subject: how
this is something that i've always wanted to do and now i'm in the position to do it-could anyone help me get started?


Author: Nebo
Posted on: May-27-2006

Views: 10755
Subject: Online Comics

Author: sizsells
Posted on: May-14-2006

Views: 10863
Subject: take note

Author: Boo
Posted on: May-12-2006

Views: 10879
Subject: Set Me Up
Sure I would, Being single and Liking to have fun..For the right price anyone could put cams in my home.

Author: gita
Posted on: Apr-12-2006

Views: 11141
Subject: brno

Author: Matt
Posted on: Apr-10-2006

Views: 11158
Subject: Yay



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