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Poll Result

Poll Result
Which presidential candidate do you prefer? [100 votes total]

Bush (38) 38.00%
Kerry (58) 58.00%
Undecided (4) 4.00%

Author: Julien
Posted on: Nov-10-2004

Views: 7651
Subject: Bush
Bush destroy your planet and you don't realize it.
I'm french and I prefer don't being american : shame on you
all of you, you did'nt success to put Kerry at the head of the world.
Amrican people sucks

Author: James Wells
Posted on: Nov-2-2004

Views: 7722
Subject: Bush Rules
The only influence Bin Laden will have on the U.S. is the oppropriation of a billion dollars to eradicate terrorist vermin.

Author: Wesley Tern
Posted on: Nov-2-2004

Views: 7723
Subject: Bush Will Win
Watch and see. Thanks for the endorsement Osama!

Author: Top Dog
Posted on: Nov-2-2004

Views: 7732
Subject: W. will prevail...
...and so will the U.S.A.

Author: ghaem
Posted on: Oct-30-2004

Views: 7774
Subject: win
iknowthatbushis winer



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