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OnlineCamera Java Viewer

You can use our free WebCam-Viewer on your Site. See how it looks like here.


  • Easy to use
  • Small and fast
  • Optimized for the web
  • Zoom in, zoom out
  • View switcher
  • News and message scroll banner

We will be happy to receive comments and suggestions from you.

See the Viewer in action
Download it (30 KB)
License Agreement

How to install it:

  1. Download the ZIP file.
  2. Unzip it.
  3. Modify the plugin.htm page.
  4. Put the files on your website.
  5. You are all set!

How to use it:

In plugin.htm page you can set all parameters for the applet.

< APPLET code="onlinecamera.class" width=502 height=480>

SPEED value correspond to Refresh-Rate in the applet : 1=1 sec. / 2=2sec. / 3=5sec.
IMAGENAME is your WebCam image e.g /image/myImage.gif
< PARAM NAME=MSG VALUE="Welcome to my WebSite ...">
MSG is the scroll-Text in the Banner
Use this parameter ONLY if you don't want let the user to change the refresh-Rate

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