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Will Amazon Kindle Fire change the Tablet market in the next 12 months?
From Nov-1-2011 to Feb-6-2025
What would you use a Tablet PC (iPad, Galaxy, ..) mostly for?
From Jan-16-2011 to Nov-1-2011
What do you think of new Palm Pre? It is ..
From Jun-13-2009 to Jan-16-2011
What feature will be most important when you purchase your next cell phone?
From Dec-16-2007 to Jun-13-2009
Do you watch videos on your Mobilephone or PDA?
From May-26-2007 to Dec-16-2007
Do you have a webcam running at home?
From Feb-17-2007 to May-26-2007
Would you accept an offer to broadcast your personal life "all around the clock"?
From Mar-1-2006 to Feb-17-2007
What's Your Dream Business?
From Sep-4-2005 to Mar-4-2006
How much time do you spend on the Internet for entertainment?
From Jun-5-2005 to Sep-4-2005
What Age Group are you in?
From May-12-2005 to Jun-5-2005
Will you get a camera phone this year?
From Feb-15-2005 to May-12-2005
What is your favorite webcam content?
From Feb-15-2005 to Feb-12-2005
What type of webcam are you using?
From Dec-18-2004 to Jan-15-2005
What is your gender?
From Dec-6-2004 to Dec-19-2004
Do surveillance cameras make you feel more secure in public?
From Nov-11-2004 to Dec-5-2004
Which presidential candidate do you prefer?
From Oct-27-2004 to Nov-11-2004
Should webcams be allowed in schools?
From Sep-13-2004 to Oct-27-2004
Do You Have Your Own blog?
From Jul-23-2004 to Sep-13-2004
Would you be interested in pay-per-view content? If so, What type?
From Jun-24-2004 to Jul-23-2004
Have you ever used a camera phone to send pictures?
From May-09-2004 to Jun-19-2004
How fast is your main connection to the Internet?
From Apr-17-2004 to Apr-26-2004
Have you ever used a webcam to monitor a business or property?
From Mar-17-2004 to Mar-26-2004
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